At Christmas we celebrate the gift of Jesus, our hope and peace, Jesus, the light of the world. 

Praying at the Crib 

This Christmas we hope that people will be able to connect with their Parish Church. For some that will be gathering for a celebration of Mass over the Christmas Season and for others it may simply be a time of quiet prayer, lighting a candle or visiting the crib.

Visiting the Crib is a prayerful activity that we can encourage and the NPN have produced some resources to support Parishes. The resources connect to Pope Francis' Apostolic Letter ADMIRABILE SIGNUM reflecting on the meaning and importance of the nativity scene.

Prayer card by the Crib 

Poster by the Crib 

Available for professional printing 

*For parishes who wish to professionally print any of these resources, versions that are professional print ready can be found below:
Prayer Booklet


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