Our Sundays have certainly been a different experience since March! As Catholics, Sunday and particularly Sunday Mass is the highpoint of our week as a faith community. Yet many of us have had to endure the loss of this Sunday gathering and receiving of the Eucharist.

We must continue to follow health and government advice and support all those priests, staff and volunteers in our local parishes who are doing their utmost to help provide the best Sunday and weekday experience possible. Everyone has a part to play in following guidelines and keeping one another safe in the church environment.

Preparing for online Mass at home

For many of us we must continue to stay at home and, where possible, join in the celebration of Mass via webcam or a livestream. The following tips may be useful to you when joining Mass online.

+ Dress as you would for Mass.

+ Have your PC, table or mobile connected to your parish webcam in plenty of time.

+ Turn off any other technology that might distract you.

+ Invite a member of the family to light a candle before Mass begins, perhaps beside a cross within sight of your PC, table or mobile to help create a sacred space.

+ Share in the responses, prayers and gestures (Sign of the Cross, etc.) of the Mass.

+ Stand for the Gospel and Our Father; kneel as appropriate if you can;

+ Join in the singing.

+ At Holy Communion time, make an Act of Spiritual Communion.

+ And finally, go in peace – to live what you have prayed.

+ Don't forget to donate online or by other means to your parish if you can. 

View daily Mass readings 

If you want to know or follow the readings for daily Mass, they are available on the Universalis website and mobile app by clicking this link

Act of Spiritual Communion 

"My Jesus, I believe that you desire to make your home within me and that you are present in the Most Holy Sacrament of the altar. I love you above all things, and I desire to receive you in my soul. Since I cannot at this moment receive you sacramentally, come spiritually into my heart. I embrace your love as if you were already here, I unite myself wholly to you. Never permit me to be separated from you. Amen."

Parish Mass online 

Click the button below to view the list parishes in the Diocese of Derry that provide live-streams of Mass and other services over the internet helping those confined to home or care facilities, and those living away from home, to keep in touch with their parish and continue to be part of the local community.

Times of broadcasts are published on each parish broadcast page.