Religious Congregations

Congregation of The Sisters of Nazareth
Mother Mary of the Nativity and six Sisters established the first foundation of the Sisters of Nazareth on February 25, 1892

Good Shepherd Congregation
With the approval of the Bishop, Most Reverend Charles McHugh, three sisters from the Good Shepherd Convent in Cork set up the first Good Shepherd Convent in Derry in 1919.

The Institute of The Blessed Virgin Mary: Loreto Sisters
The Loreto Sisters came to the diocese of Derry on the invitation of the Bishop, Most Reverend Francis Kelly, in 1855.

Sisters of Mercy
The Sisters of Mercy in the Derry Diocese are part of the Northern Province.

Congregation of The Franciscan Friars of The Renewal
In Autumn 2009, at the invitation of the Bishop of Derry, Most Rev Seamus Hegarty, the Congregation of the Franciscan Friars of Renewal established a Friary at Long Tower, Derry.

Order of Discacled Carmelites
On June 9, 1982, at the invitation of the Bishop of Derry, Most Reverend Edward Daly, the Order of Discalced Carmelites established a new priory at St Joseph's Termonbacca, on the outskirts of Derry City.